for Ocala Rainbow Gathering
the children
of the earth & sky. Brothers & sisters of love
& light, friends of nature & all people, united by our
love for each other & the yearning for harmony, calling
ourselves a tribe, invite all peaceful beings to gathering with us to
express are sincere desire & prayer for world peace &
healing at:
Winter Gathering of
the Tribes
National Forest
Please be an active participant
in the scouting process.
Next years site TBA
This is a spirtual event
that is free & non commercial, open to
This is an experience in cooperative living without leaders.
Decisions are made in council by consensus.
Ignore all rumors of
the Ocala
Rainbow Gathering
that you understand that camping in
the woods requires that you pay extra attention.
Some examples :
- Don't
throw light cigarrettes
on the ground! Snub them out, and put them in your pocket! Bring
you trash and recycling to a "recycling station" (should be at all
- Please
practice fire safety at all times. Out of control wild
fires are expensive, dangerous and
makes us look
bad. When the "Forest Service" helicopter has to be called in,
it can cost $10,000+. Community
fires only please, no
personal fires! A Community fire is for the
groups of camps in your area. All brush and grass should be removed
around the fire area, so that hot flying ashes don't light the ground
on fire. The fire pit should be lined
with clay or rocks (none in Florida), to prevent ROOT FIRES (fires
that spread underground and can take days or weeks to resurface). A five
gallon bucket of water and some shovels must be next to
the fire, in case
of problems. Please don't leave fires unattended, and put
them completely out with water, when you leave. If
you have never built a campfire in
woods or don't know how to do it safely, please ask
someone how.
- If
you have to go to the bathroom in the woods, please find
the nearest "Shitter". If you can't find one, go to a kitchen and ask
someone where one is. When you're done, cover your shit with
a little dirt, and wash
your hands please. Break
the shit, flies, food
connection. All "Shitters" should have a hand
wash and toilet
paper. If the hand wash is empty or there is no TP, please take it to a
kitchen and ask for a refill. The hand wash should
contain water, a little bleach and maybe a spot of soap. 2
liter bottles with a small hole it the lid, make a great hand wash
bottle. Mark it with "XXX" so people know not to drink it.
- If
you would like to help out in a kitchen, please go to
one and ask what you can do. Its important to wash your hands often
when in the kitchens (use soap and nail brush). Kitchens should
contain: clean well marked drinking water, a dishwash station
(3 marked buckets, left to right. 1st bucket (hot water with a little
dish detergent), 2nd bucket (cool safe rinse water), third bucket
(final rinse, cool water with 1/2 cap bleach to 3 to 4 gallons of
water), a supply tent (to keep food off the ground and to keep
flies out), and a well maintained "Shitter".
- Please
take extra steps to
Injuries at the Ocala Gathering by doing everything you
can be safe in the woods. It can be very expensive if
someone has to be Air Flighted out of the woods when
they are injured.
- Please
respect the Rainbow
Family consenses, drinking
is discouraged inside the Gathering
If you must drink, please do it in the Parking Lot, and not in the
Gathering. Remember your are camping with large collection of people
trying to peaceably gather.
- If
you have an angry
person, try not to argue with that person, it can be dangerous .
If you see someone getting beat up, hurt or an argument is getting out
hand... please yell "Shanta
Sheena". Shanta Sheena ("Peace Keepers") is
called to gather people
when someone is in need of help. It is everyone duty
to be Shanta Sheena.
- Fire
Walking should only be practiced by experienced, clear minded
- Please
bring warm clothes, shoes or boots that can offer
protection, sandals don’t
last long
in the forest. Hiking boots hold up well. Perhaps bring two pairs of
shoes in case one pair is lost, breaks or gets wet. You can get
from the soil, which cause open soars on your feet. Please take
care of your feet. Go
to C.A.L.M
if you get minor cuts and burns. It’s a first aid station.
- When
hiking in the forest be aware of where you
walk, you could poke your eye with a stick. This may sound
silly, but it happens more than
think. Bring a
flash light
so you can see at night. But please don’t shine the flash
light in people faces (Hippy Mace).
- Although
money is not required, and buying and selling are
prohibted. Please bring some money to donote to the "Magic Hat" that
goes around "Main Circle" at meal times. The money is pooled for all
the kitchens on "Main Supply", and goes much further when items are
bought in bulk.
- Control
dog! Rooming
dogs get in fights, bite people, crap
everywhere and get
in supply tents. Burry your dogs crap please.